Carmen Sereno

Carmen Sereno

Carmen Sereno was born in Barcelona in 1982, where she still lives. Graduate in Journalism from UAB (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), she worked as a writer for several media and corporate communication offices. In 2018, she won the 1st CHIC Romance Novel Prize with Maldito síndrome de Estocolmo (Principal de los Libros), her literary debut and first part of a duology completed with Azul Estocolmo. Nadie muere en Wellington and Bajo el cielo de Berlín are her other titles, published by Principal de los Libros as well. Nowadays she is exclusively dedicated to her literary career. She likes reading all kinds of genres, but romance is the one she enjoys the most. She speaks several languages. Her favourite hobby is travelling and learning from different cultures. She’s married and has a son.


Obras destacadas

El corazón del samurái

El corazón del samurái

SUMA, 2024

Un viaje a las luces de neón tokiotas, una historia indescriptible con la que tal vez v...

Plot Twist: A Novel

Plot Twist: A Novel

Chic Editorial, 2022

In this lighthearted romp through New York City, two clashing authors must blend their differe...

Bajo el cielo de Berlin

Bajo el cielo de Berlin

Editorial Chic, 2021

Berlin, 2015. Inspector Jamal Birkan faces a case that will change his life. During the invest...

Nadie muere en Wellington

Nadie muere en Wellington

Editorial Chic, 2020

Emma has led a humdrum existence since the death of her parents. When tragedy strikes again, s...

Bibliografía completa

Romantic novel. SUMA, 2024
Romantic comedy. Chic Editorial, 2022
Romance. Editorial Chic, 2021
Romance. Editorial Chic, 2020
Azul Estocolmo
Romance. Editorial Chic, 2019
Maldito síndrome de Estocolmo
Romance. Editorial Chic, 2018