Bárbara Tovar

Bárbara Tovar

Barbara Tovar is a psychologist (Autónoma University of Madrid), expert in emotions and health, specialized in stress and anxiety management (Complutense University of Madrid). She has more than 20 years of intense clinical practice with adults and adolescents, helping in the exciting work of teaching the management of emotions, and listening to our true being.

Her never-ending interest in these fields led her to become a Mindfulness instructor 10 years ago, and since then, she creates personal growth retreats across the country for people interested in developing better emotional skills. Her conferences in schools and large auditoriums throughout Spain on issues related to effort, anxiety, and stress in students, as well as training in skills for bringing up, are a reference point in the field.

She published her first book called Adoles-science with the Espasa publishing house. She has participated in highly successful television programs such as Hermano Mayor, from CUATRO channel and has been a regular contributor to TVE and Antena 3. Nowadays she is focused on supporting all those families who need to learn new ways to relate to oneself, the other, and the world.



Obras destacadas

Mi mundo en calma

Mi mundo en calma

Montena, 2022

Do you feel nervous in your stomach when you're about to start something new, or that your...

Adolesciencia. Cómo entender a mi hijo adolescente

Adolesciencia. Cómo entender a mi hijo adolescente

Temas de hoy, 2016

ADOLESCIENCIA is a book aimed at parents who want to delve into their children’s emotion...

Bibliografía completa

Children's non fiction. Montena, 2022