Elena Peña

Elena Peña

Elena Peña Bilbao was born in Bilbao in 1981. She studied art history, but since she was little she knew that her passion was writing. She published some poems and stories in different literary magazines. Later on, she studied screenwriting and worked as a scriptwriter for fiction series for eight years.

After that, she decided to study cooking, something she is also passionate about, and to write a young adult trilogy: Las revueltas.

She continues on sharing her poems in her Instagram account and is about to publish her new novel Si el agua nos lleva.



Obras destacadas

Todo cambió ese verano

Todo cambió ese verano

Espasa, 2024

Un verano en la playa. El reencuentro con su primer amor. El momento que cambió su vida...

Canción de cuna para una noche de tormenta

Canción de cuna para una noche de tormenta

Editorial Rubric, 2021

Fifteen years ago, citizens rose up against the government, fed up with corruption and poverty...

Tus ojos al otro lado de la muralla

Tus ojos al otro lado de la muralla

Editorial Rubric, 2018

For Julia, entering the tunnels is facing many of her fears. She is accompanied by the three m...

La catedral que protege nuestros sueños

La catedral que protege nuestros sueños

Editorial Rubric, 2017

Julia and her father live away from the world in the cabin where they’ve hidden. Being i...

Bibliografía completa

Romantic novel. Espasa, 2024
Ficción. Editorial Rubric, 2021
Fiction. Editorial Rubric, 2018
Fiction. Editorial Rubric, 2017