Fabián Plaza

Fabián Plaza

Fabián Plaza Miranda (Madrid, 1973) is a lawyer and a writer. In 2021 he won the Minotauro Award with “Más fría que la guerra”. Previously, in 2010 his novel “Con otros ojos” was shortlisted for the Minotauro Award. He was also finalist for the Andrómeda Award in 2008 with his story “Piezas de museo”. He has published “Magumba” and “Übermenschen”, the children’s book “Misión: Jade”, and the educational guides “Diplomacia tomando un café” and “Los mundos que escribes”.

His stories often deal with moral dilemmas based on the application of fundamental rights. He loves strategy, simulation and role-playing games. He likes to learn foreign languages and has a predilection for Eastern Asia. He lives in Vigo with his wife and two daughters.


Obras destacadas

Jirones de seda

Jirones de seda

Urano, 2024

Los reinos combatientes se han unido bajo un mismo estandarte.

Es el Mandato del Ci...

Más fría que la guerra

Más fría que la guerra

Minotauro, 2021

2021 Minotauro Award

Since 1969, humanity has suffered, in an isolated way, the att...

Bibliografía completa

Urano, 2024
Science fiction. Minotauro, 2021
Children's fiction. Algar, 2021
Los mundos que escribes
HT Publishers, 2017
Contos estraños, 2012
Diplomacia tomando un café
Editorial ECU, 2011
Con otros ojos
Grupo AJEC, 2011