Miriam Mosquera

Miriam Mosquera

Miriam Mosquera (Madrid, 1991) studied history at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, specializing in Andalusian numismatics through the Master in Written Historical Heritage. Because of that, nowadays she combines writing with two jobs she is passionate about: one as a guide in a museum and the other as a documentalist at a publishing house.

Although she started writing almost at the same time she started speaking, it was in 2013 when she started sharing her stories on Wattpad, thus realizing how passionate she was about creating extraordinary worlds. This, combined with her years of activism and fighting for animal rights, made her realize that writing could also be a weapon, so she decided to sharpen it and wield it.


Obras destacadas

Todos los Ángeles del Infierno

Todos los Ángeles del Infierno

Faeris, 2024

Sevilla, 20 años después de la caída del Cielo

En un mundo osc...

La rebelión de la mariposa

La rebelión de la mariposa

Ediciones Freya, 2022

The sudden death of all the animals in the world divides society in two: the celestial and the...

Bibliografía completa

Dystopia. Ediciones Freya, 2022