Ruth Tormo

Ruth Tormo

Ruth Tormo Benavent (1974) lives in Sant Feliu de Llobregat. She holds a degree in Journalism (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), and she’s been working in the field of communication for many years.

Her first children’s book, Quina tocada de nassos!, was awarded the Guillem Cifre de Colonya Prize in 2018. Then she wrote a novel for teenagers, Sense codi de barres, which won the Ramon Muntaner Prize in 2020 and was finalist of the Menjallibres Award. Her third novel for a younger audience is Què hi tens al cap, Lis?


Obras destacadas

Úrsula i Adrià

Úrsula i Adrià

Fanbooks, 2024

Dues vides com uns mots encreuats difícils de resoldre.


Què hi tens al cap, Lis?

Què hi tens al cap, Lis?

Barcanova, 2022

Lis is part of the Testa dynasty, great inventors in the world. But at her age she has not yet...

Sense codi de barres

Sense codi de barres

Fanbooks, 2020

Amina is fourteen years old and works sewing clothes in Bangladesh. She wants a better future ...

Quina tocada de nassos!

Quina tocada de nassos!

Barcanova, 2018

This is a story in which the protagonists, on their busy road to adolescence, seek to understa...

Bibliografía completa

Romance fiction. Fanbooks, 2024
Children's fiction. Barcanova, 2022
Narrativa juvenil. Fanbooks, 2020
Fiction. Barcanova, 2018