Laura Sanz

Laura Sanz

Laura Sanz was born in Guadalajara in 1974, where she spent all her childhood and adolescence. From an early age she was interested in books and writing. Proof of this is that at the age of 8 she won a children's poetry prize.

In the nineties, her great passion for learning languages led her to settle in Germany, where she studied translation. After returning to Spain, she settled in Madrid, where she currently lives. A voracious reader, she lives surrounded by more than three thousand books, with a great predilection for 19th century English literature.

She has been awarded the prestigious Rincón Romántico Prize for best national author in 2017. Her novel La historia de Cas (SerieLandvik) has also received the RNR award for best contemporary national romance and the Rosa Romántica's Award for best ebook of the year 2017.


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De la A a la Z

De la A a la Z

Matchstories, 2023

"I bet you can't have sex with the ugliest girl in the place."

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Bibliografía completa

Romance. Matchstories, 2023
Romance. 2023
Romance. 2023