Cinta Arasa

Cinta Arasa

Cinta Arasa was born in Tortosa, Baix Ebre in 1978. She holds a degree in Political Sciences and she has  written several works of fiction, mainly for children and young people.


In December 2013, she won the Enric Valor Award for books for young adults with the novel Vaig fer la maleta un dia de juny, which was published in February 2014.

In 2021 she won the Serra d'Or award for youth narrative (creation modality) with the novel Paraules, flors i pólvora, about the adolescence and early youth of the writer Mercè Rodoreda

She has published the novel for adults Arran de l'Ebre (Aedicions, 2009) and Escales avall (Columna, Grup 62, 2021) and more han 20 books for children and youth: Missió Trobairitz (Animallibres, 2014), Les fades són calbes (Jollibre-Santillana, 2016) -This book has been chosen as one of the 100 best children's and youth literature published in Spain in 2016, according to the list of honour drawn up by the journal Cuadernos de literatura infantil y juvenil.-, Mama, vull que siguis com un elefant! (Animallibres, 2017),  En Bernat, el gat afamat (Jollibre-Santillana, 2017), El Gla, un aprenent d’esquirol (Barcanova, 2019), Acqua alta (Jollibre-Santillana, 2021), El dia que les onades del mar em van entrar a la panxa (Animallibres, 2023), amongst others.


She is a member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Writers in Catalan Language) and the Catalan PEN.


Obras destacadas

Una abraçada amb olor de xocolata

Una abraçada amb olor de xocolata

Jollibre, 2023

“Come on, smile for the camera!”


“Come on, smil...

La bruja Adelina, nuestra vecina

La bruja Adelina, nuestra vecina

Everest, 2023

A very funny story about the importance of respect. Minina and her human friend have an unexpe...

El día que las olas del mar entraron en mi barriga

El día que las olas del mar entraron en mi barriga

Algar y Animallibres, 2023

Aran remembers the best vacation of his life, the summer in which he met Tano, Gertrudis and Q...

Sant Jordi i el drac

Sant Jordi i el drac

Editorial Bruño, 2022

Many years ago, the inhabitants of Montblanc did not get up with the crowing of the rooster or...

Bibliografía completa

Bellaterra Kids, 2024
Children's fiction. Jollibre, 2023
picture book. Everest, 2023
Children's fiction. Algar y Animallibres, 2023
Picture book. Editorial Bruño, 2022
Children fiction. Jollibre, 2021
Fiction. Columna, 2021
Young adult fiction. Animallibres, 2020
Children fiction. Barcanova, 2019
Picture book. Somos libros, 2018
Children Books. Jollibre, 2017
Picture books. Animallibres, S.L., 2017
Children Tales. Jollibre (Santillana), 2016
Edicions del Bullent, 2014
Barcanova, 2014
L'estiu és aquí!
Comença la tardor
Animadellibres, 2013
Barcanova, 2013
El mitjó dalt d'una sabata
Onada Edicions, 2010
Aeditors, 2009
Aeditors, 2007