Lidia Fernández

Lidia Fernández

Lidia is an actress, writer and creator of content for social media sites relating to literature, cinema and series, where she is known as Entre Tulipanes.

From a very early age she showed a great interest for painting as well as writing and acting, these two being the ones she has developed the most throughout her life.

She studied Early Childhood Education at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and after finishing her studies she moved to France and lived there for almost four years. She began the novel En época de tulipanes in 2013 a few months before leaving France to return to her country.

When she returned to Spain, she decided to devote herself entirely to acting, and she began her studies, thus slowing down the writing of the novel. She finished writing it in 2016, and it was then when she decided to launch herself into the world of self-publishing and finally release her first book, which came out in 2017, and was successful on social networks. Since then she has published three more novels, has another one finished and two more on the way.

She is a total geek and Jane Austen lover, as well as the proud mother of two dogs and a cat.


Obras destacadas

El baile de la libélula

El baile de la libélula

Ediciones Martinez Roca, 2023

Sasha taught me to smile. Elinor taught me to love.

A young adult novel full of lov...

Bibliografía completa

Young adult fiction. Ediciones Martinez Roca, 2023
Science fiction. Hidra, 2022
Science fiction. Ediciones Hidra, 2021