Irene Morales

Irene Morales

Irene Morales (1992, El Tiemblo, Ávila) has studied journalism and a master’s degree in publishing in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She writes since she was a little girl, whether in blogs, role play forums or even fanfiction. In fact, some of her tales have been awarded in many contests and were included in anthologies. In 2020 La Galera published her novel Bajo el metal, which was finalist in Templis Awards and selected as one of the best novels for adolescents by the Organización Española para el Libro Infantil y Juvenil (Spanish Organization on Books for Children and Teenagers) in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Sport.


Obras destacadas

Larga Vida al Rey Vol. 2: Flores

Larga Vida al Rey Vol. 2: Flores

Umbriel, 2024

Sasha de Corte no quiere matar al rey.

Prefiere seguir escondido allí, lejos...

Larga vida al rey. Vol. 1: Sangre

Larga vida al rey. Vol. 1: Sangre

Umbriel Editores, 2023

Verenize I of Veda never wanted to be king. He liked the life he had been given, he liked lear...

Tras tres soles

Tras tres soles

La Galera, 2022

Ariel already did it before him. Got her legs, fell in love with the prince, and die. Easy. Es...

Bajo el metal

Bajo el metal

La Galera, 2020

Japan, 2304.

Hotarô is a mechatronics engineer in the underworld of the deser...

Bibliografía completa

Fantasy. Umbriel, 2024
Epic fantasy. Umbriel Editores, 2023
YA fiction. La Galera, 2022
Science fiction. La Galera, 2020